Risk Management
327 white papers and resources
The Future of Trader Surveillance - The ABCD of Successful Surveillance
This white paper explores four success factors that can be utilised to deliver broader, more efficient surveillance. It further examines the key challenges, solutions and future benefits in achieving successful trader surveillance.
Integrating smart beta into a developing Chinese market
This Q&A discusses the key factors that investors need to consider when thinking of utilising a smart beta strategy. It further explores how your organisation can improve its exposure to Asian markets, particularly China
Bracing for impact - Facing the challenges posed by IRRBB
This white paper explores the IRRBB compliance challenge. It further discusses how IBM can leverage its insight into these challenges by offering a technology-based solution addressing the diverse conditions in which financial institutions operate.
Unified data – Key to IFRS 9 implementation Regulatory information brief (Part II)
In the drive for IFRS 9 compliance, the way institutions manage and utilise data will drastically change. This white paper explores how - for firms looking to capitalise on this overhaul - utilising external data sources to ensure efficiency and freeing of in-house resources is pivotal for…
How IFRS 9 can unite risk and accounting - Regulatory information brief (Part I)
This white paper explores how IFRS 9 can unite risk and accounting. It further examines how ensuring effective communication and collaboration will be key to achieving this and for getting the best from the new standard.
MiFID II - Key Impacts for Trade Surveillance & Communications Monitoring
This white paper provides a overview and checklist of the key elements of MIFID II (and its accompanying Regulation – MiFIR) which are likely to create new obligations for your trade surveillance function. It further explores the regulatory technical standards issued and their area of influence.
TCA and fair execution. The metrics that the FX industry must use.
This white paper proposes the blueprint for FX TCA methodology that enables market participants to calculate and compare trading costs across both firm and last look liquidity.
Liquidity risk - Some practical challenges remain, but this is the time to automate & integrate
This white paper explores why banks must integrate the management of liquidity and interest rate risks under ALM, and move toward true risk-adjusted pricing by implementing the technology platforms that support such solutions.
Leveraging technological innovation to establish a more effective regulatory ecosystem
This white paper examines the importance of establishing and implementing an effective regulatory ecosystem powered by technology. If further explores how harnessing RegTech can help significantly reduce compliance-related cost and enhance control.
Preparing for a New Era of Cash and Liquidity Management - Video Highlights
This animated video provides highlights from an exclusive survey from WatersTechnology, in association with SmartStream. It offers insights into why there should be opportunities for firms to extract more value from regulatory driven projects and realising cost efficiencies.