Moody's Analytics
Moody's Analytics, a unit of Moody's Corporation, helps capital markets and credit risk management professionals worldwide respond to an evolving marketplace with confidence. The company offers unique tools and best practices for measuring and managing risk through expertise and experience in credit analysis, economic research and financial risk management.
All content by Moody's Analytics
Best Practices for SaaS Security
This white paper gives an overview of the security concerns about Software as a Service (SaaS) in the banking and financial services sector and highlights best practices for technology, business culture, governance, and compliance.
Regtech – Enabler of the shift from compliance to performance
This white paper examines the results of a recent Risk.net RegTech survey and explores how banks can get off the compliance treadmill and focus on building their business. It further looks at how RegTech is playing a role in helping them to do just that.
Liquidity risk - Some practical challenges remain, but this is the time to automate & integrate
This white paper explores why banks must integrate the management of liquidity and interest rate risks under ALM, and move toward true risk-adjusted pricing by implementing the technology platforms that support such solutions.
Modelling Stressed Losses Given Default (LGD's) for Macroeconomic Scenarios
This white paper explores a validated model for stressed losses given default (LGD’s). It further provides a practical solution for banks and other financial institutions that require public firm LGD estimates for risk management and compliance purposes.
A Summary of BCBS Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Directive
This white paper summarizes the core Pillar 2 approach of Interest Rate in the Banking Book (IRRBB), and the alternative Pillar 1 approach of IRRBB used by certain banks in a few situations. It also includes a practical approach to implementing IRRBB.
The IFRS 9 Impairment Model and its Interaction with the Basel Framework
This white paper explores the growing interaction between risk management and accounting in relation to credit risk modelling approaches, capital ratios, and provisions calculations, as well as data management and governance in preparation for IFRS 9.
Maximizing Stress Testing Investment: Strategic Capital Analysis
This white paper focuses on initiatives to enhance regulatory compliance and explores how organisations can use new tools to expand key performance metric forecasting under various economic conditions, to guide and optimize business strategy.
Are Internal Credit Models for Structured Securities Going Away? An Analysis of the Recent Basel Consultative Document
This white paper focuses on the proposed changes and their implications for calculating credit risk capital, as well as the proposal’s integration with Basel’s other recent revisions and upcoming initiatives. The paper also discusses what next steps are expected with regard to this proposal.
Basel III Standardized Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR): Adoption and Implementation Status
This white paper provides a brief introduction to the new standardized approach for measuring counterparty credit risk, its expected benefits, and its actual impacts. The paper further details the potential difficulties associated with its implementation and the current status of its adoption in…
New Impairment Model: Governance Considerations
This white paper will review some of the most important model governance considerations, including how to approach new modeling needs, key differences between models for CECL and models for AIRB and DFAST, and the differing expectations for less complex banks.