Market Data

125 white papers and resources

Data distribution—NeoXam DataHub

National Bank of Canada (NBC) previously had many manual data management processes in place. NBC’s main challenge was managing these different sources of data, which involved a lot of manual work, leading to several human errors. NeoXam DataHub was able to automate the process, where data was…

APAC Buy-Side Firms Embrace Alt Data and the Cloud

This paper comprises three sections: respondents’ demographics, alternative data and the cloud. The findings from the 13-question survey underpinning this paper are based on responses from 108 senior data and technology staff at Asia-Pacific (APAC)-based buy-side firms.

The World’s Fastest File System for Financial Services

Speed. Agility. Storage. In financial services, the need has never been greater. A new breed of applications in technical computing, analytics, and deep learning have placed unprecedented demands on financial services for storage I/O, throughput, latency, and scalability. Which makes Hitachi…

High-Performance Storage for AI and ML

It’s a highly complex question with a deceptively simple answer: How do you win with artificial intelligence, machine learning, and high-performance, computing-based analytics? Speed. Because the only way to stay ahead is to run more models with more complex algorithms faster than your competitors…