Market Data

125 white papers and resources

The ideal reference data utility

This video provides an insight into a recent survey conducted in August 2015 by WatersTechnology and sponsored by SmartStream that polled reference data operations professionals about the ideal utility. The survey explored issues such as how organizations choose a reference data utility.

Regime Forecasting using Machine Intelligence

This white paper looks into why it is important to understand market regimes, and the current approaches firms take in understanding these regimes. It goes further by discussing the different ways in which machine intelligence can provide solutions in creating strategies.

Special report: Unauthorised trading

Download this special report from Operational Risk & Regulation to find out why the risk of unauthorised trading grows from cultural and control problems and what can be learned from UBS’s $2.3 billion rogue trading loss uncovered in 2011. Read also an interview with Neil Roth, New York-based head…