315 white papers and resources
CIS - How To Stay Legal
This new white paper from Pegasus Software looks at the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules and is designed to help you stay "fine-free".
DeviceLock for HIPAA Compliance
This white paper will review the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule, which has an impact on a company's information infrastructure and the security means used therein.
Securing Data to meet SOX Compliance
This white paper addresses SOX requirements that affect a company's data infrastructure, including the means of securing data collected and maintained by the company.
Achieving Compliance with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance (UK)
For most organisations, the volume of sensitive data in electronic format means an ever increasing challenge in meeting the requirements of the combined code. This white paper explores the codes impact on IT infrastructure and the security within.
Data Intelligence and Governance
Increased transparency of the financial disclosure process requires that all underlying data meet emerging governance, risk and compliance (GRC) requirements. Banks must re-evaluate aspects of their lending strategies and dig into the real data within the various classes of risk.
Risk Management and Compliance in 2008
Competitive advantage from faster, more flexible and dynamic risk management. Risk management and regulatory compliance are fundamental functions in any financial institution. They are inextricably linked, operate to exacting standards and are about to go through a period of significant change.
Next-Generation Wealth Management - Exceeding expectations through responsive, dynamic client reporting
This white paper, jointly authored by wealth management experts from Actuate and IBM and gives valuable and timely insight into how the wealth management industry is adapting its products and services suites to accommodate a new generation of wealth creators.
How to achieve data compliance and reduce risk for your company
This major European mobile telecommunications company assembled a senior team to drive a project aimed at solving a number of complex eDisclosure/information security issues across its geographically dispersed business. Find out why they turned to Guidance Software.
Transfer Of Data From The UK To The US In Compliance With EU And UK Data Protection Restrictions
UK companies that must transfer their employee data to the US are often unclear on whether such transfers are compliant with UK regulations. In general, transfers are not favoured but there are exceptions. This white paper summarises the relevant provisions in the EU Data Protection Directive and…
Client Data Management - The holy grail for financial market institutions
A strategic, enterprise wide Client Data Management Solution can help you move towards having your client data centrally stored, cleansed, normalized, validated and distributed across your business, helping you realize long-term benefits and increase your regulatory compliance.