Risk Systems
120 white papers and resources
Battling fraud at the root cause: How cybercriminals bypass your security defenses and what you can do about it
This white paper provides an overview of how cybercriminals circumvent security measures at each stage of a transaction’s lifecycle — pre- login, during login and post-login — and offers strategies to help financial organizations combat malware-driven attacks.
Selecting the right cybercrime-prevention solution
Financial institutions, commercial enterprises and government organisations are all prime targets for cyber-crime. Malicious software, or malware, is the primary attack tool used by cyber criminals to execute account takeover attacks, stealcredentials and personal information, and initiate…
Creating Safe and Fair Markets
In this white paper intended for the wider financial industry, we present our vision for the design and regulation of electronic financial markets empowered by formal verification.
Lead into Gold: How Smart Cubes Are Poised to Deliver The Fast Track to Enhanced Risk Management and Compliance
Financial institutions everywhere are facing major data management challenges as they strive to meet emerging regulatory requirements. Broad regulations like FINREP, COREP and MiFID II are all placing new reporting demands on banks and other financial firms. At the same time, individual…
Key risk data aggregation architecture required for Basel III compliance
Representing a sea-change for the financial sector, The BaselCommittee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has focused on strengthening risk data aggregation and reporting capabilities at key financial institutions. The resulting paper, Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting…
The Quest to Stop the Creative Rule Breakers
This whitepaper highlights how research findings have identified forms and patterns of rule-breaking behavior in the financial markets. The paper also considers the darker side of recent findings, some of the games of compliance noted by researchers, and looks at a few common behavioral effects…
Practical considerations for ORSA modelling
This paper outlines three key areas of the ORSA requirements, for which we observe a need for further improvement to actuarial modelling techniques. The ORSA guidance establishes that an ORSA report should contain analysis that includes:a) A forward looking assessment of risk and solvency levels…
CVA and Counterparty Risk Management: a survey of management, measurement and systems
The paper presents the results of a survey that looks to establish the management processes, measurement and systems that banks use to control counterparty risk paying particular focus on two important metrics in counterparty risk: Potential Future Exposure (PFE) and Credit Valuation Adjustment …
Improved decision-making and business insight using a holistic ALM solution
This white paper outlines a more holistic approach to ALM modeling that captures a detailed view of both the assets and liabilities and the interactions between them in a common framework.
Scotiabank Enabling real-time credit analysis
This case study looks at how Scotiabank wanted to efficiently manage capital and credit so that it could conduct more business without increasing overall risk. Download now to find out how they did it.