IBM Business Analytics
About IBM Watson® Financial Services
IBM is working with organizations across the financial services industry to use IBM Cloud, cognitive, big data, RegTech and blockchain technology to address their business challenges. Watson Financial Services merges the cognitive capabilities of Watson and the expertise of Promontory Financial Group to help risk and compliance professionals make better informed decisions to manage risk and compliance processes. These processes range from regulatory change management to specific compliance processes, such as anti-money laundering, know your customer, conduct surveillance and stress testing.
For more information
To learn more about IBM financial risk and regulatory compliance solutions, visit ibm.com/RegTech and follow us on Twitter @IBMFintech
All content by IBM Business Analytics
Risk Analytics & Data Management - Q&A with IBM's Curt Burmeister
Curt Burmeister is Head of Research Innovation and Financial Engineering for IBM Risk Analytics. In this exclusive video Curt discusses risk analytics and the importance of data management.
Cognitive Computing and Data Challenges - Q&A with IBM's Diane Reynolds
Diane Reynolds is Chief Data Scientist at IBM Industry Solutions for the financial services sector. In this exclusive video Diane discusses the cognitive computing capabilities that IBM is currently developing.
Regulation & Compliance - Q&A with IBM's Grace Brasington
In this exclusive video Grace Brasington (Vice President, Risk and Compliance, IBM Watson) discusses the key risk and regulatory compliance issues faced by many of today's organisations. The video further discusses the solutions being built to help organisations overcome these issues.
Exploring a new frontier - Using cognitive technology to strengthen credit risk management
In relation to credit specifically, this white paper aims to strengthen a bank’s overall credit risk management strategy. It explores how organisations can use cognitive techniques to become more agile competitors in an increasingly demanding credit landscape.
IBM Regulatory Compliance Analytics - Cognitive computing can help banks streamline operations and reduce regulatory compliance cost
This white paper explores the challenges of achieving sustainable regulatory compliance. The paper further explains how cognitive computing can help banks streamline operations and reduce regulatory compliance costs.
Winning the face-off against fraud: How the most effective financial institutions are outthinking the bad guys
This white paper breaks down financial crime and addresses the challenges today’s institutions face in fighting these crimes. It further identifies current capabilities, successes and best practices in controlling financial crime.
IBM Counter Financial Crimes Management: Gain superior clarity on identities and relationships linked to financial crime activities with entity analytics
This white paper explores financial crime, including anti-money laundering (AML), anti-terrorist financing and various types of fraud. The paper further discusses how organisations can become better equipped to meet regulatory requirements and prevent financial crimes before they occur.
Fighting new torrents of fraud attackers
This white paper examines how traditional cyber-crime and fraud prevention techniques fall short, and explains why organisations must develop more sophisticated ways to thwart such attacks.
FRTB: is your bank on track?
This infographic looks at the operational impacts of implementing new measures and new technologies, and the expected impact on regulatory capital requirements.
IBM Counter Financial Crimes Management for Banking
This white paper addresses cybercrimes, fraud and anti-money laundering. It will explore how organizations can harness powerful arrays of technologies and techniques to fight an effective multifaceted, long-term war against financial crime.