Eurex is one of the world's leading derivatives exchanges offering a broad range of international benchmark products, operating the most liquid fixed income markets in the world and featuring open and low-cost electronic access. With market participants connected from 700 locations worldwide, trading volume at Eurex exceeds 1,5 billion contracts a year. Therefore, Eurex is the market place of choice for the derivatives community worldwide.
On December 20, 2007, Eurex completed the acquisition of International Securities Exchange, Inc. (ISE). Hence, ISE is a wholly owned subsidiary of Eurex. The new member of the Eurex group operates a variety of fully electronic trading platforms, its markets portfolio consists of an options exchange and a stock exchange.
On a combined basis, Eurex and ISE are the global market leader in individual equity and equity index derivatives. Currently, they distribute their products to approximately 560 direct exchange members.
Aside from operating a fully electronic trading platform, Eurex provides an automated and integrated joint Clearing House. Eurex Clearing AG offers central counterparty services for instruments traded on the Eurex exchanges, Eurex Bonds and Eurex Repo as well as the FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Xetra® and floor) and the Irish Stock Exchange, eliminating the individual counterparty risk. With this structure, Eurex participants benefit from a high-quality, cost-efficient and comprehensive value chain of trading and clearing services via a single electronic system.
Together with leading international financial institutions, Eurex operates the electronic trading platform Eurex Bonds, an ECN (electronic communication network) for off-exchange, wholesale trading in fixed income securities and treasury discount papers (Bubills). Through the basis trading Eurex Bonds offers a direct link between the cash market and the futures market, this enables electronic basis trading via a central order book.
Eurex Repo, which is a separate segment, is the electronic trading solution for repos (sale and repurchase agreements). This Eurex segment is one of the leading electronic repo market providers, and operates the Swiss Franc and Euro Repo Markets. Eurex Repo offers the entire value chain from trading through clearing and settlement.
Operating as a lean, entrepreneurial organization Eurex strives to fulfill customer demand. Its team of dedicated professionals does its utmost to offer every class of investor the advantages of having spot and futures markets as well as related clearing and settlement activities all fully integrated under one roof.
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