Black Duck
All content by Black Duck
Governing open source to deliver return and lower risks
This white paper discusses the governance of open source as key to managing risk in an organisation. Specifically, in relation to its implementation and use, and how it is aligned with stated objectives, policies and risk profile – all especially pertinent in highly risk-sensitive financial markets.
Enabling standardisation in open source software
Standardisation within open source software offers a new way of managing risk, especially in highly complex industries. This white paper discusses the benefits of standardisation using this type of technology and what pitfalls to avoid.
Open source drives innovation in financial services
As the financial services industry is targeted with finding ways to ensure that their risk management systems are robust, increasingly organisations are turning to open-source software. This white paper discusses the benefits available to organisations through using this technology to reduce risk…
Customer success story – financial services
Effective risk management and tackling security challenges using scarce resource is an ever pressing task for financial services organisations. This white paper demonstrates how software can be implemented to reduce threats to business success within a legal, operational and financial context.