For more than 25 years, Sybase has been a leader in developing and expanding innovative database technology. Since our founding in a Berkeley, Calif., home in 1984, we have earned the trust of many of the world's leading companies for our ability to manage information and deliver unsurpassed levels of data reliability and security. Today, Sybase leads the industry in delivering enterprise and mobile software to manage, analyze and mobilize information. We are recognized globally as the performance leader, proven in the most data-intensive industries and across all systems, networks and devices.
All content by Sybase
Big Data and Smart Trading
Under discussion is the convergence of big data and smart trading, leading to the rapid development of new, profitable trading strategies. These strategies extract and harness information from a myriad of conventional and not-so conventional data sources, often on a massive scale.
The ultimate risk – flawed liquidity risk management
As the global financial services industry digests Dodd-Frank, Basel III, European bank stress tests and the inexplicable ‘flash crash’ that downed Dow Jones 700 points in minutes, the question is where to now?
Taking liquidity stress testing to a higher level
Offering highly secure, high-availability software solutions that meet the trading industry’s needs for intensive transaction processing, advanced analytics and modelling.