IBM United Kingdom Limited
IBM is a globally integrated enterprise operating in over 170 countries. IBM United Kingdom's history began on November 19, 1951 and today IBM UK has around 20,000 employees, bringing innovative solutions to a diverse client base to help solve some of their toughest business challenges. In addition to being the world's largest IT and consulting services company, IBM is a global business and technology leader, innovating in research and development to shape the future of society at large. IBM's prized research, development and technical talent around the world partner with governments, corporations, thinkers and doers on ground breaking real world problems to help make the world work better and build a smarter planet. IBM's papers cover the following topics: - Virtualisation - Information infrastructure and management - Systems management - Requirements management - Security - Financials - CIO leadership
All content by IBM United Kingdom Limited
Client Data Management - The holy grail for financial market institutions
A strategic, enterprise wide Client Data Management Solution can help you move towards having your client data centrally stored, cleansed, normalized, validated and distributed across your business, helping you realize long-term benefits and increase your regulatory compliance.
The Challenge of Merger and Acquisition Integration
This report provides the reader with an insight into the integration experiences and views of senior European corporates who have carried out M&A programmes in recent years. We explore their rationale for and approach to M&A integration, and illuminate key factors in determining a successful merger.
Finance Strategy: Delivering the Partnering Role
In order to support the agenda for growth through innovation, Finance needs to partner more, to analyse and predict, not only record and report. But, what stops this happening?
Operational Risk Management and IT: Implications for Financial Services
This paper examines the impact of IT on operational risk. It describes how some financial institutions are realising substantial benefits by making the right investments and considers some of the options available.
The paradox of Banking 2015 - Achieving more by doing less
Any serious discussion of the future of the retail banking industry eventually raises a basic question: will future customers still need retail banks? The answer, it turns out, depends on banks themselves.
Exposing the Myths behind Finance Services and Outsourcing
To better understand how enterprises are reshaping their finance organizations to address key challenges, meet end-state objectives and improve enterprise value, the IBM Institute for Business Value, in cooperation with the Economist Intelligence Unit, surveyed 210 senior finance professionals.
Delivering Value Through Risk Management
Following a series of high-profile financial failures over the past decade, a wave of new and pending regulations – such as Basel II, International Financial Reporting Standards, Sarbanes-Oxley and the European Unions Capital Markets Directive – is requiring banks to cover the risks they assume.