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All content by KPMG
Leveraging technological innovation to establish a more effective regulatory ecosystem
This white paper examines the importance of establishing and implementing an effective regulatory ecosystem powered by technology. If further explores how harnessing RegTech can help significantly reduce compliance-related cost and enhance control.
The nexus between regulation and technology innovation
This white paper explores the drivers behind RegTech solutions as well as the key business benefits of enabling technologies. It further examines how regulatory technology innovation can help organisations gain greater strategic advantage, reduce costs and harmonize coordination.
Global Anti-Money Laundering Survey 2014
It is 10 years since we released our first Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) survey. During those 10 years, financial institutions have ridden the highs, and plunged to the lows, of the economic cycle. Despite these dramatic changes in the business environment, AML has remained a key focus area…
Cross-border investigations: Are you prepared for the challenge?
Conducting cross-border investigations is no simple endeavor. Add the complexities of legal and cultural differences, and you have arguably one of the biggest challenges facing global corporations today. There are obstacles at every step of a cross-border investigation, including initially…
Developing a strong risk appetite program - challenges and solutions
This paper describes several challenges associated with risk appetite program development, technical constraints associated with implementation and some commonly deployed solutions.
The global challenge of liquidity: compliance to business advantage
In this new report, we examine why liquidity is so challenging and the steps banks around the world will need to take, not just to survive but to gain a competitive advantage.
Global profiles of the fraudster: White-collar crime – present and future
This report contains KPMG’s analysis of 596 fraudsters member firms investigated between 2011 and 2013. It is intended to provide the reader with insights into the relationship between the attributes of fraudsters, their motivations and the environment in which they flourish.