DataFlux UK Ltd.
DataFlux enables organisations to analyse, improve and control their data through an integrated technology platform. With DataFlux enterprise data quality and data integration products, organisations can more effectively and efficiently build a unified view of customers, products, suppliers or any other corporate data asset. DataFlux offers complete enterprise solutions, including: * Enterprise data quality * Product data quality * Data governance * Master data management
Dataflux specialises in data management, IT governance and customer relationship management (CRM) whitepapers, case studies and articles.
All content by DataFlux UK Ltd.
Establishing and maintaining a single customer view
In the UK it is now mandatory for deposit takers (banks, building societies and other institutions) to be able to provide the authorities with a single customer view of all deposits held by the organisation for individual depositors.
Solvency II: data quality and governance
The Solvency II directive for insurance and reinsurance companies in the EU comes into force December 31, 2012. To comply, companies must either use a one-size-fits-all approach or build an internal model. The latter is likely to be more efficient, but ensuring accuracy is a major concern.
Populating a data quality scorecard with relevant metrics
Once an organisation has decided to institute a data quality scorecard, what types of metrics should be used for data quality performance management?
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